If it can go wrong …

Can you imagine a worse time for a major breakage than when you are introducing your in-laws to this fantastical thing you have been raving on about for weeks, months, years? The big project you have talked their daughter into and spent their grandchildren’s inheritance on? First, there was the steering We had taken Isosceles…

Heading home

Owning a boat is a strange thing. She is undoubtedly my pride and joy, but a lot of the time I, along with I’m sure most regular boat owners, couldn’t honestly tell you why she is that object of such admiration. Over the first couple of months of ownership I spent weekends and holidays staying…

The search is on ….

The search for a boat was on. I wanted something around 36 foot, this gives enough space for a couple and room for occasional visitors without being too big or expensive to maintain. I went through and found a long list of boats, comparing all different aspects of what was available. We went through the process,…

In the beginning …

Dreaming of the future I have always wanted to run away to sea. Over the years the how and when has been refined into a retirement lifestyle of travelling the seven seas visiting beautiful parts of the world, although it wasn’t always that simple. The adventure with Isosceles all started with a side trip to…